Darroll Cribb
The Humanitarian, founded by Mr. Cribb was incorporated as a non-profit organization in August of 2004 and secured it’s 501 (c ) 3 status in December of 2004, and is currently in good standing. Mr. Cribb is certified as a Program Director through the Maryland Mentoring Partnership Program and has extensive training and experience working with difficult to place children who have been placed in group and foster homes. Mr. Cribb is the prison ministry leader for Loving Arms, Inc. ministry arm that goes into METRO every first and third Monday of each month to teach life skills and the bible. Through the efforts of him doing this, the men who Mr. Cribb has touch have changed their lives for the better. Mr. Cribb founded the Etting Street Association. Through his leadership, he has taken the Etting Street Association to new heights by his burst of energy and creativeness. Under his leadership neighborhood is now a community where for the first-time people who lived on the same street are not just waving hi but helping each other when needed. Etting Street Association is now part of the Upton Planning Committee, Inc. (UPC), which gives us access to UPC trainings and resources. Through Mr. Cribb’s dedication, he was nominated as UPC president three years ago. Through Mr. Criibb’s effort UPC put together the 2026 Upton Master Plan. Mr. Cribb has been profiled on 60 minutes, on Craig Thompson show (UPN24), Comcast News Makers and with the UM School of Law.