LeKensha Allen, a proud alumni of the Congressman Cummings Upton Fellowship sponsored by Wells Fargo. LeKensha graduated from The Morgan State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Finance, LeKensha worked with the Upton Planning Committee supporting the Historic Pennsylvania Avenue Main Street Program. She was tasked with developing the operations manual and finance manual for the program.
After graduation, she started working as a teller in which she helps people with their daily finances. In addition to working at the bank, LeKensha was recently commissioned into the Maryland National Guard as a 2nd Lieutenant. She will be going into Basic Officer Leadership Course to train for her career in the military. LeKensha stated “I’ve also been tapping into my entrepreneurial skills, preparing to start businesses in the near future. Asides from working, I’ve been staying fit physically and mentally as well as creating memories with my loved ones.”